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Is Liability Only an option for you? If you still own money on your car this makes it especially difficult because lending institutions usually expect you to carry a comprehensive and collision coverage on the vehicle. However, if your vehicle is paid off you may want to consider dropping the collision and comprehensive coverage and go with a liability only coverage. Selecting the best amount of liability coverage: Going with liability only doesn't necessarily mean you need to go with the lowest limits your state requires. It doesn't cost too much to raise your limits of liability. It's when you add collision and comprehensive coverage that really increases your rate. Some state liability requirements require drivers to have a minimum $10,000 of bodily injury. $10,000 can get spent very quickly in the hospital. My sister, a few years ago, got smacked into by a truck while driving to work. She needed multiple surgeries to get her leg to work right. After everything was said and done $80,000 was billed. The person that hit her was driving a company vehicle which had sufficient coverage to cover this expense. Imagine if it was someone who was driving with the state minimum liability coverage. If that were the case my sister would have probably had to take the other driver to court. If you were that other driver you probably would have wished you chosen higher limits for your liability coverage. Nobody wants to be in a bad accident. Furthermore nobody wants a bad accident to cause a debt issue that would take a lifetime to pay. Other Auto Insurance tips for saving more: A few other things you can when shopping for car insurance is compare insurance rates online. This will save you up to $300 in its policy. It's truly amazing how much the cost of a product or service can vary when you comparison shop. Also ask your agent if there are any other lazy to get discounts on your auto insurance. If you have a few tickets maybe we'll get one of them taken off the record by taking a defensive driving course. You must check with your local agent for more information regarding this option. Learn more about how to approach insurance companies and how to save on insurance related expenses. For an easy auto insurance quote click here. Article Source: Article Source:

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